Project Outputs
As a part of the COMPASS project, our teachers and children have learned a lot about ways to preserve health through adequate physical activity, as well as about ways to preserve nature through our COMPASS ecological activities. We are especially proud of two achievements of our project:
- an interactive guide for planning environmental and physical activities, made for teachers and parents. It contains instructions for carrying out physical and environmental activities with children, as well as detailed examples of the activities;
- a scientific article where we described how the physical activity of our students improved through the application of COMPASS physical activities.
- The first action of cleaning parks and schoolyards and recycling collected waste
- The action of creating shelters for animals during the Winter
- Action of giving away bags and informing neighbours about the risks of using plastic
- Making board games from recycled materials
- Creation and positioning of the recycling bins for paper, metal, and plastic
- Making our own compost
Competences as a Solution to Global Problems
Mission of the project is to develop children’s competences of ecological awareness and importance of being physically active. Vision of the project is to build educational systems which would educate new generations according to the highest moral standards and the key competences for lifelong learning.